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Oriental Dressing Case Oriental Dressing Case patch4.0 Tabletop 18770去处 lodestone
A dressing case of Far Eastern design, featuring a large mirror of polished metal and countless compartments for jewelry and sundry maquillage. | Desynthesizable: Yes Carpenter |
Desynthesizable:276.00 [CRP]
- 松木木材×2 [木:64]
- Beech Lumber×1 [木:61]
- Ruby Cotton Cloth×1 [判断:62]
- Ruby Cotton Yarn×3 [判断:62]
- Ruby Cotton Boll×4 [花园:65]
- 雷之水晶×1
- 雷之水晶×2
- Ruby Cotton Yarn×3 [判断:62]
- 水晶板×1 [铁艺:50★2]
- Durium Nugget×1 [雕刻:64]
- Durium Sand×4 [钻探:70]
- 银矿×1 [钻探:25]
- 风之水晶×4
- 风之水晶×4
- 冰之水晶×4
必要的工时:830 / 质量:1575 / 续航力:80