项目数据 我的列表窗口 成本核算 最喜欢的项目
La Noscean Grape Pergola La Noscean Grape Pergola patch5.45 Outdoor Furnishing 6166去处 lodestone
This wooden frame gives grape vines the means to climb to greater heights, in a quite literal sense. | Desynthesizable: 430.00 (Carpenter) |
Desynthesizable:430.00 [CRP]
- 低地葡萄种子×3 [花园:15]
- Lignum Vitae Lumber×5 [木:78]
- Lignum Vitae Log×20 [花园:80]
- 风之水晶×35
- Starch Glue×5 [铁艺:75]
- Vampire Cup Vine×10
- Vampire Vine Sap×10
- 水之水晶×35
- Growth Formula Kappa×3 [铁艺:76]
- Hoptrap Leaf×6
- Vampire Vine Sap×6
- Underground Spring Water×3 [钻探:80]
- 水之水晶×21
- 风之水晶×28
- 冰之水晶×28
必要的工时:1780 / 质量:2300 / 续航力:80