项目数据 我的列表窗口 成本核算 最喜欢的项目
Thick dough kneaded with soft cheese and fried into a hearty donut[@CO] slathered with yet more creamy cheese and a sweet-and-tart berry sauce.EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings) PIE +8% (上限38 VIT +8% (上限42 Determination +8% (上限23
PIE +10% (上限48 VIT +10% (上限52 Determination +10% (上限29)
- Gyr Abanian Flour×2 [重点:61]
- Gyr Abanian Wheat×5 [花园:60]
- 火之碎晶×7
- Gagana Egg×1
- Cottonseed Oil×1 [重点:63]
- Ruby Cotton Boll×5 [花园:65]
- 火之碎晶×7
- 牦牛奶油×1 [重点:51]
- Reunion Cheese×1
- 罗兰莓×3 [花园:45]
- 火之晶簇×2
- 水之晶簇×2
必要的工时:1500 / 质量:6100 / 续航力:70