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Sermon-worthy Meuniere Sermon-worthy Meuniere patch4.1 Meal 13714去处 lodestone
Skill Speed +4% (Max 68) Vitality +4% (Max 70) Determination +2% (Max 26) Skill Speed +5% (Max 85) Vitality +5% (Max 87) Determination +2% (Max 33) | A thick fillet of salmon breaded with flour and fried in rich butter. So succulent[@CO] it is said a certain Othardian church has deemed it holy. Which church[@CO] no one seems to recall.EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings) | Skill Speed +8% (上限37 VIT +8% (上限38 Determination +8% (上限22
Skill Speed +10% (上限46 VIT +10% (上限48 Determination +10% (上限28)
- Lordly Salmon×1
- Gyr Abanian Flour×1 [重点:61]
- Gyr Abanian Wheat×5 [花园:60]
- 火之碎晶×7
- 发酵黄油×1 [重点:53]
- 伊修加德柠檬×1 [花园:56]
- 谢尔达莱嫩菠菜×1 [花园:50]
- Crimson Pepper×1
- 火之晶簇×2
- 水之晶簇×2
必要的工时:1200 / 质量:4800 / 续航力:70