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Popoto Soba Popoto Soba patch4.0 Meal 2472去处 lodestone
すりおろして出汁で延ばしたマウンテンポポトを乗せた、東方風の麺料理経験値獲得量 +3% 効果時間 30:00[最大2倍まで効果時間の継ぎ足し可能]
Tenacity +4% (Max 41) Vitality +3% (Max 43) Tenacity +5% (Max 51) Vitality +4% (Max 54) | Buckwheat noodles steeped in savory broth and topped with a starchy paste created by grinding a raw mountain popoto.EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings) | Parry +8% (上限34 VIT +8% (上限36 Parry +10% (上限43
VIT +10% (上限45)
- Buckwheat Kernels×1 [花园:65]
- 鱼高汤×1
- 酱油×1
- Mountain Popoto×1 [花园:65]
- Gagana Egg×1
- Ama Nori×1 [花园:65]
- 火之水晶×4
- 水之水晶×3
必要的工时:730 / 质量:2970 / 续航力:80