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Priestly Omelette Priestly Omelette patch3.4 Meal 7664去处 lodestone
Critical Hit Rate +4% (Max 42) Vitality +4% (Max 44) Accuracy +2% (Max 19) Critical Hit Rate +5% (Max 53) Vitality +5% (Max 55) Accuracy +3% (Max 24) While similar to a regular omelette[@CO] this recipe perfected in the Vault[@SC]s kitchens calls for a fistful of shredded cheese and mushrooms to further enhance the dish[@SC]s richness.EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m Critical Hit Rate +8% (上限34 VIT +8% (上限34 Accuracy +8% (上限20
Critical Hit Rate +10% (上限42 VIT +10% (上限43 Accuracy +10% (上限25)
- Heavensegg×1
- Stone Cheese×1
- Brown Mushroom×1 [花园:60]
- 白松露×1 [花园:35]
- 番茄汁×1 [重点:12]
- 高原芹×1 [花园:15]
- 火之晶簇×3
- 水之晶簇×3
必要的工时:1000 / 质量:3800 / 续航力:70